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Which membership category is right for me?
Individual Membership
This membership is for Water utility employees, Municipal officials, Engineers, Scientists, Consultants, Students, Young Professionals.
Individual Active (Grade 02)
An individual, such as a water utility employee, municipal official, public health professional, engineer, scientist, educator, consultant, or other person interested or serving in the field of water supply.
Young Professional (02)
An individual interested or serving the field of water supply, who is age 35 or younger, or is new to the water industry.
Additional Active (04)
An individual employee of an organizational member. Organizations can choose to add additional Individual members using Plus Points. Additional Active members receive all the benefits and privileges of membership.
Operations/Administrative (06)
An individual employed in any operating or administrative position by a water utility that has 1,000 or fewer service connections or any employee below the supervisory level in a utility that has more than 1,000 service connections.
Student (14)
A student enrolled in a minimum of nine credit hours (or the equivalent) of accredited classes.
Named Representative (76)
The main contact designated by an organizational member. All benefits and member communication are sent to this individual.
Retiree (08, 09)
To be eligible for retiree membership, you must meet three qualifications:
- Have 15 years of AWWA membership
- Be at least 60 or more years of age
- Substantially retired from all gainful employment
There are two retiree membership options, one with print periodicals (09) and one with electronic periodicals only (08).
Life (10)
To be eligible for life membership, you must meet two qualifications:
- Have 30 years of AWWA membership
- Be at least 65 years of age
Utility Membership (80–86)
Utility dues are determined by the number of customer service connections. This membership is for Water/Wastewater Systems, Small Systems, Water Wholesalers, Water Suppliers, Water Distributors, Contract Operating Firms, Water Reuse Organizations.
Service Provider Membership (74, 90–94)
Service provider dues are determined by gross annual sales to the water supply industry. This membership is for Consulting and Professional Service firms, Manufacturers, Distributors, Construction Firms, Contract Operation Firms, Government Agencies, Universities and Libraries.
For more information about membership types, please go to AWWA Membership.
Individual Membership Dues