South Dakota Section of the
American Water Works Association

South Dakota American Water Works Association (SDAWWA) was established in the late 1950's. SDAWWA is a non-profit group that is affiliated with the American Water Works Association. Click here to view our bylaws. Through education, training, and technical support SDAWWA, in partnership with the South Dakota Water and Wastewater Association (SDWWA), South Dakota Water Environment Association (SDWEA), South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems (SDARWS), and South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR), is dedicated in ensuring safe drinking water for the residents of South Dakota.

The SDWWA is a non-profit organization that is governed by an executive committee and board of directors which totals 14 volunteers. Board meetings are held approximately 3 times per year. Visit SDWWA website

The mission of DANR is to protect public health and the environment by providing environmental monitoring and natural resource assessment, technical and financial assistance for environmental projects, and environmental regulatory services; all done with reduced red tape, expanded e-government functions, and exceptional customer service to promote a prosperous economy while protecting South Dakota's environment and natural resources for today and tomorrow. Visit SDDANR website

South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems is dedicated to improving and maintaining the water of South Dakota. As an organization, we strive to help the people of South Dakota through technical assistance, certification classes, and the many training events held throughout the year. Visit SDARWS website

Members of Water Environment Federation. As a global water sector leader, our mission is to connect water professionals; enrich the expertise of water professionals; increase the awareness of the impact and value of water; and provide a platform for water sector innovation. Visit WEFTEC website
SD AWWA Board Officers
Chair & Chair Elect
(Chair - Kevin Newman; Chair-Elect - Rachel Kloos)
The Chair shall supervise and coordinate all of the affairs of the Section. So far as possible, the Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Section. The Chair shall appoint all committees, with Executive Board approval, except as may be otherwise directed by the Executive Board.
The Chair-Elect shall assist the Chair in the performance of his/her duties and shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair. The Chair-Elect shall be nominated to the office of Chair at the conclusion of the term of office of the then Chair.
(Sam Cotter)
The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for accounting functions of the Board. The Secretary-Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the Section and duly record the proceedings thereof. He/she shall be custodian of Section monies, promptly deposit all funds received by the Section, and prudently invest any idle funds of the Section in an insured account in the Section's name. He/she shall keep record of revenues and expenditures according to generally accepted accounting practices and all applicable state and federal laws. He/she shall perform the duties specified for the office of the Secretary-Treasurer in the Governing Documents of the Association. He/she shall perform such other duties as the Executive Board may direct. The Secretary-Treasurer shall cooperate with annual in-house or independent audits as scheduled by the Executive Board.
Administration & Policy
(Casey Skillingstad)
Administration & Policy Council Chair shall supervise and coordinate the activities of the Administrative and Policy Council, so far as possible, preside at all meetings of the Administrative and Policy Council, and serve as the liaison between the Council and other members of the Executive Board.
Technical & Education
(Chris Myers)
Technical and Education Council Chair shall supervise and coordinate the activities of the Technical and Education Council, so far as possible, preside at all meetings of the Technical and Education Council, and serve as the liaison between the Council and other members of the Executive Board. T&E Council also plans and facilitates technical conferences.
Public Affairs
(Austin Hoellein)
Public Affairs Council Chair shall supervise and coordinate the activities of the Public Affairs Council, so far as possible, preside at all meetings of the Public Affairs Council, and serve as the liaison between the Council and
other members of the Executive Board.
Water Utility Council
(Kyle Goodmanson)
Water Utility Council Chair shall supervise and coordinate the activities of the Water Utility Council, so far as possible, preside at all meetings of the Water Utility Council, and serve as the liaison between the Council and other members of the Executive Board. Water Utility Chair is also responsible for implementation of strategic plan, technical information, legislative issues (local, state, and national) and exploring partnership with MAP and ML.
Young Professionals Group
(Hannah Kast)
SDAWWA YP meets quarterly. Want to get involved in YP events and planning? CONTACT: SDAWWA YP
We look forward to connecting you with other young members! Your involvement as a young member of AWWA is vital to the continued success of the organization within the State of South Dakota. We hope you will choose to become more involved and encourage other young professionals in the drinking water industry to join you as a member of AWWA.